Ordering Bemrose Mead and Liqueurs
IMPORTANT! You must be of legal age to purchase liquor. This is 18 in New Zealand. The order form requires you to confirm that you are 18 or over.
Every bottle you buy provides a day's fresh safe drinking water for a person in Africa, through the international Buy One Give One initiative. No commissions or middlemen - 100% giving from you to them.
We have loaded our Bemrose range of meads and liqueurs onto the shopping cart on our main Wildfern website.
However, you can still order product through this site. To order:
- Use our shopping cart on our wildfern site; or
- download our order form (opens in a new window) and either:
- Fax it to 04 565 1056
- Scan and email, or simply email your order and delivery details
- Post to our freepost box (there may be some delay with this method)
Paying for your order
There are three ways to pay for your order if using option 2:
- Send a cheque with your order
- Pay by internet transfer to our bank account (see order form for account number)
- Pay with credit card through PayPal.
The button below will bring up a "donation" screen in PayPal - it is the only way you can enter the order total
Once on that screen enter the total and your name.
Click the Pay Now button to proceed.